Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts

Fun of Friday - The white elephant - 002 (self centred)

The two completely separate worlds of a man and a women so mysteriously go in parallel  when bonded by love.

Fun of Friday - The white elephant - 001 (Responsibility)

We do commit to do things to do and plan for a future date but we hardly find the motivation to do it right now.
To all those who put hard things for tomorrow to get a a nice sleep today.

Trending Now - Spit'em RED

In India chewing paan  & gutkha is so much in trend. Chewing Paan is timeless chewing custom and no one apparently has any objection on that. When added with tobacco, it is a dangerous addiction and no less lethal than any other tobacco product. The gutkha on the other hand is easy to purchase and carry, therefore seems popular alternative to the age old paan. These two are going well hand in hand and tobacco becomes their affectionate partner in the business.  

The other side of the coin is the ugly littering. the spitting of the chewables make every corner a dirty spot to look on. Street, walls, sidewalks nothing can escape the indifferent litterer.  The government paints a sidewalk today and in a week the spitting speckle them with ugly patches of red. Its after all free painting from the public! So if you wanted to know whats trending on the streets of India..Spit 'em red is the answer to your quest.