Drawing Tutorial 012 - Drawing female figure(part 4)

Today we will draw a girl standing straight. We will consider a 7 1/2 head figure.

1. We start with the oval head. Next the stick figure is drawn, The upper torso without any twists and turn looks like a long rectangle. Hands drops straight vertically down from the shoulder. The legs start from the bottom side of the rectangle. Since we are going to draw the lady standing straight and facing us the legs of the stick figure is also drawn straight.

2. Next we start to build the muscles to give the stick figure some volume. The thigh portion from hip to knee is tapered rectangle that is narrow at the knee. The legs are wide at calf area and tapers down to ankle. The deltoid (very near to shoulder) is wide, bicep will look narrower and again at elbow it is wide and then tapers towards wrist. we will see these things of limbs in later tutorials. The torso is narrowest at above hip and broad at shoulder.

3. Now we draw the face. The head can move horizontally as well as vertically and therefore can be drawn in any of the possible position. We will draw it with a little turn to the right. Also, the breast is drawn with waterdrop shape.

4. lets now add some hair and make her look beautiful. Also lets start adding dress to the lady. Again the hair can be drawn in many ways but we will keep it simple and short. Dresses if not body hugging will always drop downwards when character is not moving.

5. We give the lady a tip and patiala type suit. 

6. And we erase the guidelines and cleanup the image a little. And finally we add some hatching to add some volume.

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