Drawing Tutorial 013 - Drawing male figure(part 1)

Last few weeks we have drawn female figures. This we are going to draw a male figure. Some general characteristics of a male figure that makes it different from a female figure are - wider shoulder, less heavy hips, flat chest and firm muscles that produces a more solid stance. So lets start.

1. First the stick figure. It is easiest method to frame the figure and have some idea how the figure is posed. Also, if the pose is not what the intended result is, the stick figure can be easily altered. moreover, the proportions of the figure can be made right at the earlier stage and makes life easier in later part of drawing. The figure is approx 7-1/2 head high, crotch at approx 3-3/4 thus maintaining the standard proportions. This has been drawn without the proportion guidelines but just with muscle memory and by judging the proportions visually. With more drawing the necessity of guidelines will be gone.

2. Arms are narrow rectangle as we have seen in drawing female figure. Same with male figure. Just a little bit of muscles can be added at deltoid and bicep area. The hand is narrow rectangle too which tapers towards wrist. We have drawn the figure three quarter and therefore, right side arm is less visible.

3. In similar fashion we add the legs. The thigh area and leg tappers towards bottom. Also the calf area of the legs are swolen.

4. We add the chest muscles. here is the major difference from the female figure we have drawn. Male has flat chest and chest muscles and abdominal muscles show up in an athletic male. The figure being drawn in three quarter, The central line is shifted towards right.

5. we add the features of the head. This has been discussed in drawing the male head.

6. In the end we add some shading to give volume and shape to the figure.

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